If you look in the mirror you are concerned with wrinkles and premature aging lines? By improving the overall health of your skin in mind, what is the best drugstore anti-wrinkle cream?
Let's stop for a minute and take a look at that statement. Most of the products sold at your local drugstore just not effective enough to reduce your wrinkles. For a cream or lotion to be effective, contain the right amounts of certain ingredients.
Keep in mind that there is no miracle cure for wrinkles. A good natural anti wrinkle will do wonders, but it will also change in lifestyle. Protect your skin from...
How to Discover Your Intimacy Boundaries
I remember a couple who came to see me for marital counseling. The woman appeared to be more committed to the relationship than the man. The man was unhappy with the relationship due to physical appearance of his wife and had her pressure have cosmetic surgery including a facelift and liposuction. He felt the few cosmetic changes would improve the sex life and fill the void of what he missed.
I was quite surprised because the woman was exceptionally beautiful and pleasant, while her husband was not physically impressive and emotionally cold and distant. I saw the man controlling behavior toward...
Cosmetic Tattoo Removal - How to Be Able to Expose Those Obvious Areas Again
That tattoo that you got when you were younger may have been really fun and cool then. But as you get older or you develop a desire for a new look, you may be wishing that those tattoos were no longer on your body. This can be especially true if your tattoo is in an area of your body that is not covering in clothing a lot of the time.
Dermatologists have found that by using lasers, you can remove tattoos from your skin. Usually the way this works is that the laser is designed to produce a type of light energy that goes right for the pigment from the ink in the tattoo. The laser sends short bursts...
Hands Down
Some of the odd stories from the plastic surgery world.
I enjoy doing cosmetic surgery. A lot. But when I came out of my residency all fresh and eager and thinking the world would beat a path to my clinic, a little dose of reality hit me. And so, along my journey to becoming a cosmetic surgeon, I did a little hand surgery. No, I did a lot of hand surgery.
Hand surgery is an odd sort of specialty. On the one hand - it takes a lot of expertise and a lot of practice. It combines delicate microsurgery, refined orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery skills for skin and soft tissue coverage, and a team...
3 Steps Towards Perfect Health
Perfect health is a dream of millions but a reality of few.While perfect health seems to be an unachievable task for many of us, the health care industry has turned the idea into a billion dollar sector, targeting this very dream for people. Thus, many people turn to health experts to get their help and advice to become healthier.
But even though there has been phenomenal improvement and inventions in the health care industry, health related issues like obesity, heart related problems, and diabetes and other ailments have become quite common today. One of the main reasons for the rise in these...
Ghana Life: It's a Rich Man's World
Like most developing countries, Ghana struggles to maintain a state medical service at free or low cost, that is intended to be accessible to all its citizens. The poor must rely on this service, though many find it difficult to afford its modest fees, and few can readily find cash for the pharmacist's bill. The situation provides opportunity for a thriving private sector that provides modern medical support for the wealthy and for the staff of foreign agencies operating in the country. In his novel The Colonial Gentleman's Son, John Powell describes a visit to a private clinic in Tema near Accra...
Avoid Free Radicals And More With Vanillin
Vanillin is a phenolic acid that is found in vanilla beans. It is a powerful antioxidant (a substance that can protect your body's cells from damaging free radicals) which may also have the potential to prevent various health disorders. In this article I will be taking a detailed look at vanillin and its various health benefits.
Awareness of vanilla and vanillin dates back to Aztec times where it was used as a flavouring for chocolate. Vanilla arrived in Europe around 1520 but it was not extracted until over 300 years later. In1858 the French chemist Nicholas-Theodore Gobley became...